Data Design Principles: Colour

The Importance of Colour in Data Design Let’s talk about colour. How important are colours in data visualisation design? A science and art unto itself, colours play a major part

Interactive Map Project – A Case Study

An interactive mapping project for the University of Melbourne’s Business School. The map shows former student, faculty/alumni, programs and partnerships that potential student could engage with around the world.

Announcing Oddtoe, Our Experiential Design Brand

Ever wish you could hire just one person for your all your topiary, robotics, sculpture, and projection art needs? Yea, we had the same wish. 🙂 

Data Design Principles: Photography

In design, it is always good to be visual. “Our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than reading text.”  – Mike Parkinson Photography is indeed a universal language accepted and

Data Design Principles: Hierarchy

Looking at how we view design. A good design is more than creative, it has to be strategic. An experienced designer should have a decent understanding on the human eyes’

Data Design Principles: Repetition, Alignment, Symmetry

We have come to the end of our Data Design Principles series. In this final post, let’s ask the most basic question – what exactly is data viz? (ha, rhyme


(Compared to pixels)  Here is why. When creating illustrations for campaigns, there are several points to be considered in terms of what format to use. Vectors and pixels are the


Introducing to you…Tableau 2018.1  If you haven’t figured it out, we are OBSESSED with data visualisation, dashboarding, and data discovery. One of our favourite BI tools, Tableau, recently launched Tableau


The best way to learn is to make mistakes. That still rings true in terms of designing data visualisation. Even the most experienced data viz designers make the most mundane

Interface Design Case Study

CRM Dashboard & User Interface Design Case Study
